Proposed and billed on a per-project and per-hour basis, primary development assistance provides full time assistance with software application implementation and training projects.

Our objective is to ensure that the systems we develop fit client needs today and also take into consideration potential future changes in their business. Through a commitment to knowledge transfer to the client staff with the goal of enabling self-sufficiency, we ensure that each system can be maintained and supported by the client's internal IT or financial staff. Because our professionals have extensive industry experience, we understand how to analyze data and turn it into actionable information.

Our partner software providers offer our preferred tools of choice and are recognized as market leading vendors in their respective areas of application. These tools all exhibit ease of use, ability to quickly process/analyze large, complex data, and leverage the use of the spreadsheet add-in which provides a comfortable environment for most users. In addition, Acceles integrates formal on-site training of end-users and application developers, using proven techniques and materials that can be customized for client needs.

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